"I had no idea what a challenge a deaf dog would be. 10 days in and I was in tears, covered in bite marks, thinking what have I done?! 10 weeks in and I was in love with this little gremlin". We spoke with Marty, about what it's been like to rescue Deaf Dog, Bligh.

This photography session was a bit different. As a deaf dog, Cristal needed to be sensitive to Blighs needs, and getting his attention, was an unconventional stomping the ground and waving sticks in the air, it must have been a weird sight to see down at Enmore Park!
"Bligh is my family. He has filled a void in my life. After losing my last boy to leukaemia at 13, I told myself it would be a long time before I got another pup. I took Bligh in as a foster and quickly knew that he wasn't going anywhere."
"My understanding is that Bligh was passed from boyfriend to girlfriend to boyfriend etc before being seized by council and landing on death row. His introduction to life was one of abuse and neglect. After the way he started his life, I'm grateful he can find a reason to smile. His extremely enthusiastic army roll/back scratches in long grass never fail to crack me up."

Deaf dogs stick like glue and hear with their hearts. I am his ears, his safety net, his warmth. We love a bushwalk together where Bligh can have a sensory experience without being overloaded with the anxiety of a busy park.
It's so rewarding to see the progress that Bligh has made. To know his story and to be able to offer him a better future gives me a real sense of happiness
The way he hugs me when I get home to him and the intensity of his stare. Our connection to each other is incredibly strong, he is my life.
I asked Marty, if you could speak dog, what would you want him to know? "You are safe and loved now. But damn I can't stand your farts."

This wonderful story is a part of the @lovetailsphotography X @Poundpaws Insta Rescue Campaign, spreading positive stories and the adopt don't shop message and helping you find your next BFF.
You can follow Bligh on Instagram @bligh_thedeafy